Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Video Games in War and staying Current

Today in class, I started talking about how gamers both casual and hardcore don't really focus on the real life connection when picking a war video game. In my opinion I find most gamers either try a video game for either one of two things when it comes to shooters especially with war games. There are certain aspects that grab the attention of gamers
The first is staying in the current technology and graphics. They also, within this, look for great game-play and having it be smooth overall. The second is the social network and availability of the game. The dominant games in the market are ones that tie in social networking and also have the best available technology. I would say that it is unjust to say that gamers buy the games for the real life political and war substance/issues at hand.

War itself over the years with action movies has inspired the video game creators with a fun and exciting action packed platform. Yes, you might say that some of the things are over emphasized with the actual war material, but at the same time if you ask gamers in general they might have a better understanding at how bad war can be, rather than be eager to join it after seeing what can happen. If anything I feel like these games are just like anything else and can be used correctly for either entertainment or they can be used inappropriately and take too far. I feel that it is not only just the gamers that can take the ideas within a game too far but the creator's as well by making the game relate to the real world too much. In the end it all about the person's intentions when it comes down to it, games are just a entertainment platform enveloped in material from our lives past present and future.

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