Monday, March 28, 2011

Tyler, the Creator - Screw Mainstream Culture

We spent several class periods discussing what, if there even is one, the "norm" of our culture is. We discussed in depth what hipsters were and why there were so anti-mainstream. Does being anti-mainstream consider them to actually be somewhat mainstream. If they are breaking away from what is norm, to create their own culture, does that suddenly make their culture the norm? Who decides the norm?

I think society, as a whole, decides the norm. Obviously what kinds of movies we watch, what kind of music is on the radio, it all has to do with us as a people. Sure, many of us can probably sit here and say "I can't stand Justin Beiber," or "The twilight saga is stupid." But the truth is, we are being anti-mainstream. Why would radio stations play Justin Beiber is nobody liked him? He clearly brings in more listeners than he turns away, or the radio stations would not make any money. The same goes for the Twilight movies. They make money.

One artist I have found recently, though, I feel is the oppitimy of anti-mainstream. Tyler, the Creater is a 19 year old rapper who has caught a lot of flack lately for his "I don't give a f***" attitude that he portrays in his music. The thing is though, he portrays this in his everyday like as well. (His twitter account is 'fucktyler.') He really doesn't care what people think about his music. The thing is, the only people that criticize it are people that are so caught up in mainstream culture. Tyler has crazy wordplay, a vast vocabulary, and over-the-top delivery, that prove to many listeners that he is a very talented and skilled artist. His most recent video, "Yonkers," (see below) immediately became a viral hit once it hit Youtube.

Eating cockroaches and hanging himself may "cross the line" in many mainstream viewers minds. "Threesomes with a tricerotops" and "stabbing Bruno Mars" might "cross the line" in many mainstream listeners ears. But the fact of the matter is, Tyler doesn't care, and neither do his fans. Just because he has 4 million youtube views does not mean he is mainstream, either. There is a precedent set by society and culture, and we can all agree that Tyler, the Creator does not fit into that mold. If you follow Tyler on Twitter, you will quickly realize that Tyler doesn't really give an eff about what anybody thinks. Now that is anti-mainstream.

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