Thursday, March 31, 2011

Growing up Disney

Like most people in class, I grew up watching Disney movies. I would beg my mom to take my brother and me to see movies like Lion King, Mulan, and Hercules. My brother and I would sit quietly during the movie with a bucket full of popcorn and watch as Mulan argues with Mushu. Once the movie ended, we would walk out singing and laughing while still trying to finish the popcorn. It's movies and moments like those that come to mind when I think of Disney, and I'm not the only one. Disney has created a dynasty of cartoon legends that still have an impact on kids and on people like me. Disney has cornered the market in entertaining thousands of children worldwide, but they are also successful in cornering a different kind of market. I like to think of it as the Nostalgic Corner. The Nostalgic Corner is for "old" people like my brother and me who loved the Disney movies so much, we will not hesitate to take our baby sister and younger cousins to see a Disney movie. And if the Nostalgic Corner is full of people like me, Disney can expect to stay at the top. Even with older people reminiscing about their childhood, Team Disney still has little kids across the country who will want to drag parents to movie theaters and Disney World. They continue to have success in capturing the next generation of Disney-lovers, but I'm not complaining. As they say, hakuna matata and always let your conscience be your guide.

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