Thursday, March 31, 2011

Twitter, It's Not That Bad.

When we first began twitter project I was skeptical, I hadn’t had a twitter before the project and being so involved with Facebook I couldn’t see myself adding another social networking site to the list. I never updated my status too much while I was on Facebook so I thought the idea of having a network just for updating your status was a bit ridiculous. Once we started our project and I had to break down and create my very own twitter I was annoyed, I didn’t really understand how it worked and I didn’t really want to either but I sat down with a friend and got my first twitter lesson. He taught me about all of the different aspects of twitter and how people use twitter for very different things, some for more personal issues and others to get their cause out to the world. I enjoyed learning the ins and outs of twitter so much that I created a personal twitter of my own, one apart from the twitter we used in class. I wanted to keep them separate because I was just starting both twitters out and didn’t want to have my personal account bombarded with tweets of the 90’s. After I had learned all there was to know about twitter I started exploring the site on my own, following my friends, family, celebrities and a fair amount of organizations I was interested in. Twitter wasn’t what I had anticipated at all. It wasn’t just a forum for people to update their status it was a tool, a tool used by many companies to advertise themselves. I now get on my twitter religiously and follow a number of very interesting people and organizations. Starting out I would have never thought I would actually like twitter but now I am eating my own words.

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