Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Superhero Vs The Princess

When you look at the super hero culture most if not all of the superhero’s have an alter ego, whether its Bruce Wayne for Batman or Clark Kent for Superman. The super hero alter ego gives human qualities to an otherwise superhuman character. In my opinion this helps the reader or viewer to connect better with the character. When I was younger I was very much so apart of the “princess culture” and to this day I still enjoy the entire princess world but at the same time I enjoyed the aspect of the superhero world. In all honesty if I hadn’t been so influenced by my peers I think I would have resonated more with the superhero culture because the characters were so well developed. Where as in the princess world most of the princess characters could be interchangeable with each other. Do I think that in some ways the superhero culture could harm the boys who watch them yes, but I believe that they do more good. The superhero characters are always flawed in some way, like every human is in one way or another and I think it teaches children a lot about difference and how differences in others shouldn’t matter. The superhero culture to me is much more positive than that of the princess culture because it shows a much more real world take on life, aside from the superhuman powers. If you stripped the comic books or movies from all of the superhuman characteristics the stories would be about someone who struggled with their differences and prevailed in the end. The princess stories are much more superficial and the characters in the stories are underdeveloped and at times shallow. Although I enjoy the princess world I do believe that the superhero world is much more beneficial when it comes to teaching children about the real world.

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