Thursday, March 31, 2011

Parents vs Prinesses/Superheroes

The princess culture and the superhero culture both have the potential of turning little kids in to spoiled narcissist and/or aggressive douche bags. The princess culture enables little girls to be self-involved and grow up to be materialistic. These girls, at an early age, develop a sense of entitlement and when something doesn't go the way they want, unforgiving complaining can be expected. Likewise for little boys, a superhero culture can teach to fight first and ask questions later. If a boy doesn't feel like reading the comic books, then he'll just look at the art work of heroes fighting. I'm not saying every little boy and girl will turn out this way, but for those that do, it seems that it could have been prevented very simply, with parenting. The media is everywhere, that much is a given. Fighting the media is no easy task, but parents don't need to isolate their children from tv and the internet to keep their kids normal. Just making sure their kids have both feet on the ground is good enough. I firmly believe that as long as parents don't over indulge their princess or hero, than this culture of overspending and fighting could be better handled. It's ok to say 'no' to your little girl and to put your little guy in the corner. It won't make these people bad parents, just the opposite; they'll be thanked by society later on in life. Let the kids have fun and be a princess for a day or save the world from an evil robot. I just hope it doesn't go too far.

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