Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Video Games

Have You Played the War on Terror?

I found this article to be a pretty interesting one. The main point of the article was

talk about how video games are making their mark on war. He addresses the point of a

lot of war games being made for civilians. I have played some war games before in my

life, and I think they are pretty cool. I know that these war games are probably offensive

to some people, because they may actually be those soldiers or parents of these soldiers.

To me they are just fun games that bring a lot of entertainment to many people. They

even have online experience where everyone can link through the Internet and have wars

against each other. I don’t think this portrays how a real war would be, because it would

be much more stressful and tactical.

This article talks about how video games are now being made to train

soldiers. They are producing scenario’s using laser guns and screens to train soldiers.

They are also doing the same thing to train soldiers to drive and protect themselves from

oncoming attacks. I think the idea of having simulators to help soldiers train for what

they should expect when they actually go to war is a great idea. It will help to gain

experience (even though not real life experience) in situations they may encounter. It will

also keep soldiers in a safe environment, so they can be trained and critiqued if they were

to mess up somehow. Overall I thought this article gave great details on how war video

games are being portrayed.

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