Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blogging Not a Crime

The article we were to read tomorrow talks about mainstream media and how it deals with a topic like war. The internet today is definitely the way most people get their news in my opinion, especially my age group of college students. What I found interesting is discussed later in the article, when they begin to compare mainstream media to “alternative” media, which includes blogging. The fact that I am writing this blog post for a class right now shows how big of an impact blogging has really had in the last couple of years. It has even gotten to the point that when I go to research topics online, I have to be careful what is a “real” article and what is just a blog, which at the end of the day, is mostly someone’s opinion on something. That right there is what is frustrating journalists; they do not see these blogs as newsworthy whatsoever, and actually see it as harmful because it is where some people are turning to get the latest update on what is going on in the world.

I personally can see where these journalists are coming from, but the author of the article makes a good point. There is really nothing the journalists can do if someone chooses to rely on reading blogs for information. So, rather than trash talk about blogs, they can try to combine with these writers like other places have done. Just because one is not a “professional” writer does not mean that they are incapable of delivering the news. Their opinion may be tacked on yes, but that is something that people need to realize and take into account when they are choosing to read these blogs.

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