Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Twitter Decision!

Hey class!
After Tuesday's (Feb. 22nd) class, a couple of us decided on the hashtag topic.
(cue drumroll)... #90'skid.
We all agreed that this is something hopefully all of us will be able to relate to, and be able to find lots of things (75 tweets= an A on the project) to tweet about.
Some ideas we have are: movies, music, celebrities, fashion, family, school, anything else you can possibly think of that happened or that you experienced in the 90's.
We will have this all typed up and ready to be "tweeted" by Thursday's class!

p.s. how awesome is it that we "had" to get a twitter account for a class?


  1. Thanks for the update KortnieK! I think that is a great hashtag to use! I am super excited about the project.
