Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Crash the Super Bowl

So one item that we discussed in class today was about social media and advertising. Our first discussion was about the Super Bowl. We talked about how doritoes and pepsi max worked together to have a commercial contest so that people could send in their own commercials about each product. The winner seen here is indeed a nice commercial. Though funny and enjoyable, From what I have seen, is not the best. It is another commercial in which we see a man who is controlled by his girlfriend/wife. He has no freedom and is indeed nothing I would like to see again. One thing people look for in super bowl commercials is for them to be a list of things. We expect funny, unique, out of the norm commercials. We like these commercials because the deviate from the everyday commercials that are blah blah blah. Maybe not the funniest but at least funnier commercials is the one my friends submitted. Okay so here is the video I am talking about today in class. Though some of the quality near the end is not the best it is what I consider a GREAT Super Bowl Commercial, or at least would have been. My friends, through the social networking site facebook, tried to promote their video. They did their best to get their video out there for their friends to see and for their friends friends to see. but ultimately they did not win. I was really discouraged by this. I feel like many other commercials were funnier than the winner. It makes me wonder, is the contest fair? Does the company have employees that vote as well as the audiences? Or is this really what people wanted to see Sunday Night? Until I know this answer, I will just have to keep analyzing media and be a critical consumer.

So I recently found out why they did not make it. Quoted from my friend "the real reason we didn't win was not because of lack of mass audience appeal. We didn't get past the round of private voting by a small panel of pepsi max judges." Which still gets me. Super Bowl commercials don't always appeal to mass audiences, Look at this super bowl. Only a few commercials were appealing to people. The rest were just normal commercials. Oh well, till next time blog.

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