Friday, February 4, 2011

Life in the "Dark Ages"

Over Christmas break, I moved back home to save money my last semester of college. I haven’t lived at home since the summer after my sophomore year, and I knew it would be a slight adjustment in some areas and quite adjustment in others to move back. One area that has been quite adjustment is going back to not having cable or internet at the house. All throughout my college years, I have had cable and internet in the dorms, anywhere on campus, and at my apartment. Because of that, I had let pop culture take a larger part of my life than ever before. With wireless internet, I could be on any of my favorite sites at any given time. And with cable, I could watch all the shows and sports I enjoy.

There are times when I feel like I have been cut off from the real world. I now do not keep up with any television shows, and I just can’t surf the web whenever I want. I have noticed that since I have moved back to living in the “Dark Ages” pop culture is taking a much smaller role in my life. And because of that my time and on campus is much more focused. When I do have the chance to use the internet on campus, I spend less time social networking or checking random websites because I know my time is limited and I need to use it for communication and research. When I am at home, I am more focused because I do not have the internet or television shows to distract me any more. Instead, I get my reading and homework done and have more time to spend with my family playing games or doing hobbies I enjoy like reading or scrapbooking.

I am not against pop culture by any means. I love sports and being able to watch them or being able to get on the internet when I feel like it. But I am starting to realize the place pop culture needs to have in my life and that is a much smaller part. How much of your life are you devoting to pop culture? Are you satisfied with how you spend your time?

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