I had successfully resisted Twitter until this class. Although I had created an account months ago (so I could get a good username before good variations of my name were taken), I had not tweeted anything. I took a little pride in my resistance to such a fad. However, this pride did not last long when I started my 90sKid tweets. I was addicted after about a week.
I soon added Twitter to my daily routine of checking my Facebook, email and Perez Hilton's blog. Ok, let's be honest, it is more like an hourly routine. But anyway, it did not take long for me to join the fad.
As a result of my new addiction, I became less interested in my Facebook. I have to admit that I actually felt a little guilty about neglecting my Facebook for this new technology, like I was cheating on my good old, loyal social network with the new popular network that everyone wanted.
My new addiction to Twitter lasted for the rest of the project and maybe a couple days after. However, after I did not have the go-to 90sKid hashtag to tweet about, I did not know what to say to my Twitter followers. I was still following interesting people but I was getting bored.
My short-lived addiction is slowly waning. I thought my former Facebook addiction might go back to its usual vigorous self but surprisingly I am still fairly disinterested in it as well. I think that the addition of yet another site to my routine might have pushed me into social media overload and now there is no turning back. So I guess I owe COMM 322 a thank you for the free time I now have that used to be filled with my social media addictions.
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