Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Product Placement, Subliminal Advertising, and Subliminal Messages

Those tricky advertisers are always at it. Virtually every show we watch on television and every movie we see has some type of product placement, subliminal advertising, subliminal messaging, or combination of the three. Though they all sound somewhat similar, these three advertising strategies are all a little different.

Product placement: When brands pay to have their products or brands placed in scenes for the simple idea of exposure. The idea is that seeing a certain brand name will help achieve a sense of familiarity. Imagine soda was a new concept and no brand names existed. If you were to go to the movies and see characters always drinking a new type of drink called Coca Cola, what do you think you would do the next time you were in the drink section of the grocery? I would probably give it a try because I gained a sense of familiarity.

Subliminal advertising: This is when a product or label is somehow in a scene, but not necessarily a focal point or overly obvious. Seeing a Coke logo in a background of a scene is much more subliminal than seeing a character order one at a restaurant. The idea, though, is still to achieve familiarity even though it’s done in just a slightly different way. The hope is to trigger a response that encourages one to buy.

Subliminal messaging: This usually doesn’t send off an advertisement for a product, but rather a general idea or message. Many of today’s pop music videos have the subliminal message that “sexy” is important while brains take a back seat.

The point is, we are constantly targeted by advertisers who have the goal of making us buy into a certain brand, product, idea, message, etc. even if we are not consciously aware of what’s happening.

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