Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I found this great website through google that blogs about culture jamming. There is an ad that stood out to me because it relates to class material we learned. Culture "jammers" parody an ad, and this blog did just that. It shows an ad full of various brand name logos and states, "anti-consumerism activists have adopted as a means of “breaking through” the media clutter." The average Australian sees around 3,000 advertisements a day. The advertisements include media, print, radio, television, posters, billboards, and so much more. They compare the 3,000 a day number to the average American's exposure as well. This blog touches on the points of advertisements being all around us everyday and all day. The blogger explains that this exposure in America was a culture shock for him, since he is from Australia.
Culture jamming is defined as, "A process of intervention and invention, which challenges the ability of corporate discourses to make meaning in predictable ways." They resist the dominant idea and play with culture forms. My favorite example of this was the Sarah Haskins video about medicine. She does a good job at resisting the norm, addressing the issue, does so in a provocative and playful way, and she resists the stereotypes.
Culture jamming exposes the problem with an over-saturated media driven society. This is a concept I am interested in and intrigued by. I think it is clever and addresses issues in a humorous way sometimes. I found this picture on google:Clever huh?

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