Monday, March 28, 2011

Social Media: I apologize...slightly

So the dreaded (for me) Twitter project is in the history books, but I’m still thinking about Twitter’s place in the world. And I think I have had a change in my attitude towards Twitter. I began this semester with a very strong hatred toward social media. But after the experimenting with Twitter it I am willing now to give credit where credit is due. Social Media has its place in the world. Let us make it very clear that I am not going to continue using Twitter and I still think that Facebook is for the most part is a scourge of humanity. But both sites have proven a shred of worth to me over the past couple months.

I find Facebook to be an extremely valuable tool for small businesses. Especially restaurants and bars. I have used Facebook as the number one tool for finding out business hours for many Muncie establishments that don’t have their own website. It is a great cheap way to make your company known. And unlike a website, changes can be made very easily to menus and specials.

Twitter on the other hand does have connectivity going for it. I don’t mean connecting you to Kim Kardashian’s babble. But having the ability to stay connected to current events in the world or things that you may not go out of you way to find outside of Twitter. For personal example, my sister has a great literature blog (shameless plug) but I am always forgetting to check for updates. But she is able to preview an update in Twitter and link to it. So if I was someone always checking Twitter, I am more likely to remember. I realized then can also be greatly applied to World News. I think everyone with a Twitter account should follow at least one News Company, because you are being inundated with current event happenings without knowing or taking effort, and if something does interest you, you merely have to click a link.

Social Media: I still hate you, but I can at least respect you now.

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