So, its been a little over a week since our Twitter experiment ended, and it is safe to say, I actually kind of miss it. The whole concept of the project grew on me throughout the month of March. At first, I was unsure with the idea of trying to start a trending topic. As an avid 'Tweeter' for about 2 years now, I had seen my fair share of random hashtags and was very skeptical about getting one started. The truth is, though, it became something a little bit different than that to me. Sure, we were trying hard to get it trending, but that wasn't why I enjoyed it. I enjoyed getting on Twitter, seeing someone I follow tweet #90skid, and thinking to myself, "Ohhhh yeah! That was awesome!" Or hanging out with my friends over the weekend, randomly bringing up something from the 90s, then me having to immediately tweet it to see if any of my followers would react to it. It helped me gain followers, follow people, and share funny ideas and memories from the 90s with a bunch of other people.
It also got me heavily involved in this:
#RTR After reading this article, and fitting perfectly with our #90skid tweets, I have been lobbying with Isaiah Thomas to bring back Raise the Roof. I mean, how awesome is that? This also shows the power of Twitter. He tweeted it one night, did it in the game, and it spread to other athletes across the country. Now I do it every time I play basketball at the rec center, and even found myself doing it in the middle of the dancefloor at Dill Street. So, I encourage you, as fellow #90skids, to spread the word, and any chance you get, raise the hell out of the roof.